Posts By: Sterga

Murder And Treason: Media Circus by on

Murder And Treason: The Trial of Sterga Lawless Hero Murdered by Lawless Daughter Lawrence Rockwell was found shot to death in an ally late last night. Witnesses say the man attempted to arrest the Lawless criminal family when the daughter pulled a gun and emptied it into the would be hero. Police say the gun… Read more »

Murder And Treason: The Trial of Sterga Lawless by on

Building the Death Ray part 2 Lawless Family Brought to Justice After the arrest of Sterga Lawless, parents Sally and Roger Lawless were discovered in Hawaii based on information turned over by an anonymous source. The couple died in a raid of their hotel room, refusing to surrender peacefully, opting to shooting their way out…. Read more »

Building the Death Ray part 2 by on

Part 1 Week ? Dear Diary: I’m not sure when the last time we spoke was, but I hope that I have not been overly neglectful of our relationship. I would hate for you to be upset with me or I will have no one to talk to. With the news that She has made… Read more »

Building the Death Ray part 1 by on

Week 1 Dear Diary: I’ve decided to create a death ray. I know it’s a bit silly and will require an immense amount of resources, but competition among villains is fierce. My goal this year is to finally win Villain of the Year. The money alone would be a much-needed boost to my finances. I… Read more »

How To Become A Hippy by on

Have you ever wondered how to become a peace loving, flower throwing hippy? No? Well too bad, because I’m going to tell you anyway. After reading this guide, you will know everything about being a hippy. In no time people will be calling you the “crazy hippy lady”. We’ll start with something easy: what to… Read more »

Superhero Style Guide by on

Are you an up and coming superhero with no place to turn to for styling tips? Of course you are! After exhaustive research and interviews with the superhero community, I bring you the best tips for being a Super Stylish Hero. The most important part of your superhero look is a styling name. What does… Read more »

It’s a Zombie! by on

Do you know what you would do if a zombie showed up on your doorstep? Probably not or you wouldn’t be reading this guide. Zombies are scary, smelly, un-dead people that shamble along until they can out-smart the dumb people and feast on their delicious, delicious brains. The bad news is that you are probably… Read more »

Alien Invasion by on

It starts with an innocent gesture or a good faith gift and ends with you being a slave or killed. Aliens are deceptive, evil creatures that hate you and will do whatever it takes to get you out of the way. For all you know, the aliens use people as fuel to power their flying… Read more »